Your IDENTI3 Community

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Helping people when they are at a cross road using IDENTI3 Profiling

3 min read

Hi, my name is Yannie Yong. I am a certified IDENTI3 coach, and I just had an amazing session with a client using the IDENTI3 profile. I’m excited to share the breakthroughs we uncovered together.

My client was at a crossroads, unsure of which career path to pursue and what kind of position would truly suit him. Through his IDENTI3 profile, we were able to dive deep into his unique geniuses—those innate strengths that often go unrecognized. IDENTI3 is the world’s most effective and efficient psychometric assessment with only 8 questions and completed under 5 mins. It reveals 16 traits and 8 strengths.

What’s even more powerful is that the person I am coaching, began to see his talents for what they really are: strengths, not weaknesses.

The biggest shift? Uncovering his blind spots—those hidden areas that had been holding him back from taking the right action. For example, a blind spot can be having ideas but unable to articulate them.

By bringing them to light, he now has a clear path forward—one that aligns with his strengths and the career he’s meant to thrive in.

It’s always so rewarding to see that moment of clarity when clients stop seeing themselves through the lens of limitation and start embracing their true potential.

“Yannie’s coaching has truly helped me see myself from a new perspective. I’ve gained a deeper understanding of who I am, but more importantly, I’ve learned to reframe my self-perceived weaknesses as strengths in their own right. She showed me that my traits make me unique and can be an advantage in the job market.

Now, I have a clearer sense of who I am, which has boosted my confidence in job interviews. I know my strengths, and I’ve realized that even my so-called weaknesses can be assets for the right role.”

– Evan

In another separate coaching session, I work with a Sales Director to conduct a 1-on-1 IDENTI3 profile analysis, and the transformation that followed was incredible. Through this deep dive into his genius and blind spots, we were able to pinpoint the conflicting traits that had been creating roadblocks in his leadership journey.

He shared this after our consultation:

“I’ve taken various profiling tests, but most only highlight behavior, traits, and personality. None compare to IDENTI3, which uncovers the conflicting traits that may be contributing to the challenges I’m facing.

The situations described resonated so deeply with my own experiences that it felt as though Yannie had been there with me during those moments.”

With this new understanding of his traits, he now feels empowered to better manage his team, navigate relationships, and even improve his emotional well-being.

If you’re a leader looking to gain clarity, lead more effectively, and unleash your full potential, I’d love to explore how IDENTI3 can support your growth. Let’s chat.

“I’ve taken various profiling tests, but most only highlight behavior, traits, and personality. None compare to IDENTI3, which uncovers the conflicting traits that may be contributing to the challenges I’m facing.

The situations described resonated so deeply with my own experiences that it felt as though Yannie had been there with me during those moments.

Now that I understand my traits and the conflicts I’m dealing with, I can better manage myself and my relationships with my team. I’ve also become more aware of others’ behaviors, which has positively impacted my emotional well-being.”

– Joe Tham

For more information about how to find your success and get coached for success, click on YAY Success!

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