
Self Assessment for PTSD (Basic – 3 Questions)

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $10.00.

This concise and user-friendly questionnaire empowers individuals and healthcare professionals alike to identify early signs of PTSD, enabling timely interventions and personalized support.

This module consists of 3 of the 8 carefully crafted questions, replicating real therapeutic sessions. Simply record up to 5 minutes of video per question, and our advanced system will accurately analyze your emotional state, providing you with comprehensive feedback.

Gain profound insights into your feelings, thoughts, and well-being as you engage in this transformative self-discovery journey.

The following are the questions that your Digital Therapist will ask you:

Q Description
1 Hello there, I am your digital therapist here to help you. 

Tell me, what was your last disturbing and unwanted experience? Were there a number of people involved? Where, when and how did it happen? 

2 Help me understand the stress that you are currently facing: 

When you are awake, how often do you have flashbacks or experienced reliving the stressful experience? Can you describe what these flashbacks are about?

3 Tell me, how much sleep are you getting? If you are getting repeated or disturbing dreams of the unwanted experience, how often does it happen? What are these dreams about? 



  • After purchasing the product and making the payment, please allow a maximum of 12 hours for your order to be processed. In many cases, we are able to respond to you earlier, once we have verified your payment.
  • Our administration will send you an email with instructions on how to access the questionnaire. Please look out for this email. You may want to check your SPAM box.
  • Please note that your purchase is only valid for a single attempt.
  • Please use Google Chrome to access the questionnaire.
  • Please note that wearing spectacles or face masks will affect the accuracy of results.
  • It is important to speak clearly and audibly for the speech-to-text recognition to work.
  • Upon completing the questionnaire, it may take 2 to 24 hours for your video results to be processed.
  • If you require any assistance, please contact us with the form on the website.

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