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Are you a left or right brainer?

The notion of right-brained and left-brained thinking, attributing certain cognitive traits to each hemisphere of the brain, has been ingrained in conventional wisdom. This dichotomy suggests that analytical and methodical thinkers are left-brained, while creative and artistic individuals are considered right-brained. The foundation for this theory lies in the distinct functionalities of the brain’s two hemispheres.

Pioneered by psychobiologist and Nobel Prize laureate Roger W. Sperry in the 1960s, this concept gained prominence through his groundbreaking research. Sperry revealed that each hemisphere processes information differently, contributing to variations in cognitive styles.

Understanding one’s personality and thinking style becomes crucial, as heightened awareness correlates with increased chances of success. By recognizing whether you lean towards analytical left-brained thinking or creative right-brained thinking, you gain valuable insights into your cognitive preferences and tendencies.

The IDENTI3 test offers an opportunity to explore and uncover your predominant thinking style. Taking the test provides a personalized assessment, shedding light on whether your cognitive strengths align more with the structured and analytical approach associated with the left brain or the imaginative and creative inclinations linked to the right brain. This self-awareness not only aids in personal development but also enhances the ability to navigate various aspects of life by leveraging your innate cognitive strengths. So, embark on the journey of self-discovery and uncover the intricacies of your thinking patterns with the IDENTI3 test.

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