
3 Questions about Quarter-Life Crisis (Full – 10 Questions)


This concise and user-friendly questionnaire empowers individuals and healthcare professionals alike to identify early signs quarter-life crisis, enabling timely interventions and personalized support.

This module consists of all of the 10 carefully crafted questions, replicating a real coaching scenario. Simply record up to 5 minutes of video per question, and our advanced system will accurately analyze your emotional state, providing you with comprehensive feedback.

Gain profound insights into your feelings, thoughts, and well-being as you engage in this transformative self-discovery journey.

Experience the convenience of virtual therapy and empower yourself today.

The following are the questions that your Digital Therapist will ask you:

Q Description
1 Hello, I am your digital therapist, here to help you. 

Are you experiencing heightened feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about your future and life direction?

How are you feeling right now? Can you tell me more about it?

2 The interplay between career choice, career, and relationships is vital, as they collectively shape our life’s journey, influencing our personal growth, financial stability, and the depth of our emotional fulfillment and happiness.

Have you been questioning the choices you’ve made regarding education, career, or relationships? Can you tell me more about it?

3 Milestones and expectations set by society, family, or peers can serve as guiding benchmarks for personal progress, but they should also be evaluated critically to ensure they align with individual values and aspirations rather than solely conforming to external pressures.

Do you feel pressure to meet certain milestones or expectations set by society, family, or peers?

4 The importance of growth in personal and professional life lies in its capacity to unlock new opportunities, broaden horizons, and enhance one’s capabilities, leading to a more fulfilling and successful journey.

Are you feeling a sense of being “stuck” or not progressing as you had hoped in your personal or professional life?

5 The social circle is crucial as it provides support, connection, and diverse perspectives, contributing significantly to one’s emotional well-being and personal development.

Have you noticed changes in your social circle or a sense of isolation from your previous support networks?

6 Having interests and hobbies is crucial as they provide opportunities for personal growth, relaxation, and a sense of fulfillment, enriching one’s life beyond routine tasks.

Are you exploring new interests or hobbies as a way to find meaning or fulfillment?

7 Achievements are essential as they not only provide a sense of accomplishment and self-worth but also serve as milestones that motivate individuals to pursue their goals and contribute to their personal growth and societal progress.

Do you find yourself comparing your achievements and progress to those of others, especially on social media?

8 The importance of a healthy self-esteem and confidence level cannot be overstated, as they are the foundation for achieving personal goals, maintaining positive relationships, and navigating life’s challenges with resilience and determination.

Have you experienced changes in your self-esteem, self-worth, or self-confidence?

9 Values and what truly matters in life serve as a compass, guiding individuals toward meaningful decisions and actions that align with their authentic selves, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Have you considered your values and what truly matters to you in life?

10 People often experience restlessness and dissatisfaction when their expectations and desires exceed their current circumstances or when they lack a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

Do you feel a desire to make significant changes in your life? What are they? 


  • After purchasing the product and making the payment, please allow a maximum of 12 hours for your order to be processed. In many cases, we are able to respond to you earlier, once we have verified your payment.
  • Our administration will send you an email with instructions on how to access the questionnaire. Please look out for this email. You may want to check your SPAM box.
  • Please note that your purchase is only valid for a single attempt.
  • Please use Google Chrome to access the questionnaire.
  • Please note that wearing spectacles or face masks will affect the accuracy of results.
  • It is important to speak clearly and audibly for the speech-to-text recognition to work.
  • Upon completing the questionnaire, it may take 2 to 24 hours for your video results to be processed.
  • If you require any assistance, please contact us with the form on the website.

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